The Church of England is committed to an education that enables people to live life in all its fullness and fulfils the words of Jesus– ‘I came that they might have life, and have it abundantly’
John 10:10
At Huby Church of England Primary School, we believe that everyone is unique in the eyes of God.
‘You are a child of God….You are wonderfully made, dearly loved and precious in his sight. Before God made you, He knew you…. There is no one else like YOU!’ Psalm 139
We follow the belief, that is central to Christian theology, that every single one of us is made in the image of God .We support one other so that we can learn about and celebrate our own uniqueness without exception or exclusion.
We are very proud that our school community has a mix of faiths and families within it. We work hard to understand our differences and celebrate them together.
The Church of England’s Vision for Schools can be found by following this link: